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Have a question?
We may have the answer here?

  • Can i ship dart frogs by post?
    We can only send dart frogs via registered reptile courier. Generally we send animals out once per month so get in touch to ask when the next delievery date will be.
  • Can i keep different species of Vampire crab together?
    No! Vampire crab males will fight which can result in the death of the loser. The different species are also capable of hybridising and as these are endangered animals we endeavour to keep the blood lines pure
  • How do i keep vampire crabs?
    If you have any quearies of how best to keep your vampire crabs alive simply drop us an email and we will guide you through the process
  • Do vampire crabs need land?
    Vampire crabs are almost always found on land and only go to water to moult so we advise a 80% land and 20% water setup.
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